Questions about Payment

Why does the payment page say I need to enter a Postal Code/ZIP? I can't see a place to input it!

Our credit card company will occasionally request a Postal Code/ZIP when you enter the card. You can enter your Postal Code/ZIP on the same line - scroll to the right. If you cannot see the field appear to enter it, try entering your information again.

Questions about the Introductory Free Listings

How long do the Free Listings last?

Free listings are audited once a year. If your website is not active, the listing will be removed. Otherwise, the listing will last as long as you wish.

How do I update my listing?

You need to submit changes and we will make them for you. One set of changes can be submitted each year. Others will be billed at the rate of $30 CDN each set.

How do I get all my reviews to show up on my listing like they are on others?

The reputation services and review management service is an add on and are included in the Augmented Ad package. If you already have a free listing, and wish to upgrade, please contact us. Do not place an order for a new listing as it will create a duplicate. No need to do the work twice!

I'd like my listing removed.

Please contact us with proof that it is your listing (email address you registered it with and phone number) and we will add it to the queue to be removed